The Process

Prepare/Enrich is a curriculum many Clinical therapists use to work with couples like you. 

This program is for couples preparing for marriage and those who want to Enrich what they already have. Whether you're dating, engaged, or married, this program is for couples at any stage. If you choose to incorporate P/E you will take the initial assessment, and then will you will receive a personalized analysis of the results.  

Theoretical Approaches

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: The therapist will work with the couple/clients to examine and challenge poor thought patterns and unhealthy behaviors. Then, the therapist and clients will seek to supplant those thoughts and behaviors with healthier ones.

Structural Family Therapy: The therapist will examine the structure of relationships and identify how they function. The couple/client and therapist will analyze partner roles, power dynamics, proper boundaries, and more to re-orient relationships to a healthier state.

Contextual Therapy: As the name suggests, this type of therapy looks at how people grew up in the context of their families, and it seeks to find trauma expressing itself in current relationships.

Eric will use these techniques in sequence as clients' needs call for them. If necessary, we will begin at the surface level with cognitive behavioral and move deeper to trauma with contextual therapy. Again, all is dependent on the couple's/ client's needs.

Measuring Results 

The initial assessment will measure 9 domains. Each will be scored from 1-100, indicating areas of strength and areas of growth. We will analyze strength areas to see why they are strengths. 

Then, we will utilize those insights for your areas of growth. Christian Counseling is available upon request if couples want to integrate Christian spirituality. 

Once the 12 weeks are done, the couple may continue with me for additional relational work.

Sample Results of an initial assessment I did with a couple that came in for enrichment. You will receive a document with this bar graph and an in-depth breakdown of each domain.

A Unique Approach To Counseling

Using Prepare/Enrich as our foundation gives us a robust base to start couples’ work. This tool is unique in how it provides direction for the most critical domains in our relationships and how they intertwine. Prepare/Enrich has close to 40 years of scientifically based research behind it and is very popular amongst Licensed Therapists.